There’s nothing lower than the scum beneath your feet and here’s where you’ll find the brass thief’s of clavering street. Today September 24th 2010 as I left too go out, I spotted the thin strips of brass that run along the top of each landing step was ripped off. The old sandstone buildings have brass decoration strips that run along the top of each step to protect the plastic painted surface from chipping. But they where never designed to withstand the onslaught of someone sticking their knife under the strip to rip them up. And if the council doesn’t get it’s act together any time soon, when it comes to replacing the doors. You can bet your arse ever sandstone building in the west end will be getting a visit from these brass thief’s. Who I suspect are the same three youths who stole the lead from No38 on the high street on two occasions. “I might add one of those youths has short red hair.” So the CCTV camera in Clavering street is proving to be a worthless investment and when I called the council to find it was closed for the holidays. The chances of the police accessing the footage anytime soon, too find out who entered and left the building. Will mean these people can continue their criminal damage before anyone gets round to capturing and bringing their crime spree to an end. |
Paisley Wardens : 0141 889 3400
Police : 0141 532 5900
Crime stoppers : 0800 555 111